Michael Redig is a student at Western Technical College in La Crosse, WI. His area of study and passion is Film. He also expresses interest and inspiration in other aspects of visual communications such as design and photography.

One of his greatest heroes is the late Steve Jobs. Jobs was one of the cofounders of Apple, along with Steve Wozniak. Together, they formed a dynamic duo that ended up changing the world by starting a company fusing technology with the arts.

One of Jobs' greatest assets was his uncompromising attention to detail and passion for making great things. One example is how much time Jobs' spent making his computers easy to approach and use. In collaboration with Jonny Ive, one of the things they did with the original iMac was to put a handle on it. It wasn't entirely practical as computers are desktop machines that you don't typically move around. However, despite the added engineering cost and lack of real need for it, he went ahead with it. Why? Because it made it easier to approach. As soon as something has a handle on it, you can pick it up, feel it, hold it, and feel closer to it. It was a minor detail, but helped immensely with developing a relationship between the computer and the user.

Both passion and attention to detail are things Michael tries to duplicate. While he cannot claim to have mastered either to the level of Jobs, his passion remains strong.