Be Creative

Water, Oil, & Color
Are you having trouble getting motivated to pick up your camera or get creative? Well lets turn on our creative juices and try something different. This experiment involves combining water, oil, and color to create abstract images that are both fun and exciting. Are you ready?
You Will Need:
- Water
- Food Coloring
- Baby Oil
- Bowl or Sink
- Fill sink or bowl with water.
- Add a few drops of food coloring.
- Add a few drops of baby oil.
- Shoot away and enjoy.
- Use a macro lens if you got one.
- Use a higher ISO setting if you are in a location that is not well lit (like the bathroom).
- Use the manual focus to focus directly on the oil spots.
- Watch the light and how it hits the oil droplets.
- Stir up the oil to get different variations and add different food coloring drops.
Yes, it's that simple. PLAY & HAVE FUN.