Painting with Light
Painting with light is a fun technique that gives great results. It is called painting with light because this is what you are actually doing while taking the shot - painting with light.
The Basics
There are two basic ways to paint with light. In the first technique you use a light source, often a simple flashlight to illuminate the items in your photo that you want to be seen or emphasize. In the second light is actually the subject of the photo. A small flashlight, glow stick, sparkler, or other source of light is moved through the frame while the shutter is open . Because of the long exposure you can't be seen in the picture. It helps to wear dark clothing and you must keep moving. Painting with light is a great way to get kids involved in photography. Let them make the light move and you can run the camera for some fun with the family. As with other night photography experimentation is important, but with a little practice you can make some interesting images.

With a long enough shutter speed you can move in front of the camera and paint with light. It also helps to wear dark clothing.
Like all other night photography experimentation is the key, but if you look at the accompanying images they will give you a place to start. There are some excellent sites on the web ( I put some in the links ) that show what can be done with practice. For now just go try it and get your first good night sky shot.
Even in daylight you can avoid being in the image with a long enough exposure. Keep moving.
Painting with light is great fun after dark. Light can be used as the subject or used to light parts of the scene, or foreground element like the tree in the photo on the right.
There are many excellent photographers who paint with light and I have included many links for this page. Some are simple techniques, and others are more elaborate. I highly encourage you to click on them and see what can be done when you paint with light.