Rosemaling is a Norwegian word, which defines "rose painting" as a rustic art that adorned the walls, ceilings and furniture of the peasants' homes and churches. This is folk-art of rural Norway that flourished from 1700 to 1850. Previous to these years, woodcarving was the predominate decoration in homes and churches, and this same carving used the acanthus leaf and baroque tendrils that were later adopted by the rosemalers. First paintings were done over the carved scrolls, as in the district of Gudbrandsdal, but the decorative painting began to take hold, adding cheerfulness with color.
This website is intended for people of all ages who would like to learn about and/or create their own magnificant works of Norwegian art. Take your time to look around and read more about the History behind traditionl Norwegian rosemaling, or find the How-To section to learn how to create your own works of art and please, feel free to Contact me with any questions or even just to chat. Thank you for visiting.