The reason for choosing grass-fed beef are many taste, environmental impact and dietary quality are just a few.

Our Cattle

Our free range cattle are treated with care and respect, resulting in the development of healthy muscles and lean meat. Cattle have digestive systems that are best suited for eating grass and hay. These grass-fed animals are raised on the ranch where they were born, and remain at the cows’ sides for six months, suckling and learning how to eat grass and hay. Our grass-fed beef contain no hormones, no antibiotics, and no chemicals. If you’re on the Paleo diet, then this beef is for you… very lean and very nutritious with all the flavor of excellent beef.

"We raise Limousin cattle because of their outstanding traits: excellent feed efficiency, superlative hardiness and adaptability, and high carcass yield. All of these traits help produce a leaner beef product for you and your family."

Why Grass Fed?

Grass-fed beef is lower in calories than grain-fed beef and can be eaten by those on a heart-healthy diet as well. Kale Ridge Organic Farm meat is: