Using people as a subject

Using an animal as a subject

Using nature as the subject
A few extra things before you go
Practice makes perfect
Learning photography can be fun and it can be frustrating. But don't give up so easily and just remember to keep practicing. Also, keep researching more about your camera and techniques. Be inspired by other photographers, they are always a great inspiration and can often lead to ideas of your own. Visit their websites and study their photos and read up on their ideas. Lastly, consider taking a photography class.
Photography classes or clubs
Below are links to websites that offer classes or clubs for interested photography beginners. They are for classes that are offered in or near
La Crosse, Wisconsin.
- Here is a list of Lifelong Learning photography classes offered at Western Technical College
- The LaCrosse Camera Club is a club for experienced photographers
and new beginners. - The Minnesota Valley Photo Club is another club for anyone interested in Photography.
How much does a photographer make?
Below is a table of the average salaries of a photographer.
Salary Ranges | Median | Middle 50% | Lowest 10% | Highest 10% | |
Average $29,440 | $20,620-$43,530 | Less than $16,920 | More than $62,430 |