The most popular tuning found on the internet for the standard or soprano ukulele is C6-tuning: G4 C4 E4 A4. The G string is tuned an octave higher than might be expected. This is known as reentrant tuning. Some players prefer "Low G" tuning, with the G in sequence an octave lower. The baritone is usually tuned to D3 G3 B3 E4, which is the same as the highest four strings of the standard 6-string guitar.
Another common tuning for the soprano ukulele is D-tuning, A4 D4 F#4 B4, one step higher than the G4 C4 E4 A4 tuning. D tuning is said by some to bring out a sweeter tone in some ukuleles, generally smaller ones. This tuning, which was commonly used during the Hawaiian music boom of the early 20th century, is often seen in sheet music from this period, as well as in many method books through the 1980s. D tuning is with a low 4th, A3 D4 F#4 B4. The "higher pitched" instruments (sopranino, soprano, concert) most often employ re-entrant tuning, while the "lower pitched" instruments (tenor, baritone, bass) usually employ linear tuning, where the strings are tuned from low to high pitch across the instrument.