Besides being enjoyable, there are some incredible benefits from busting out the pencil and paper and simply sitting down to sketch. Keep a record of some benefits you encounter on your sketching journey!
As an Artist
- Trains your eye in a way that nothing else can
- Captures great detail that perhaps couldn’t be captured if sketching from a photo or from memory
- A great way to “geo-tag” - or create a visual log of events, adventures, or daily life and subjects which can spark more vivid memories than photos sometimes can
- Becoming fully aware and “present” in the moment with your subject or scene, which is something we as humans do not get to do often
As a way to Relieve Stress
- Works as a temporary distraction from any bothersome life stressors
of being completely engaged in an activity is meditative- Simply having a productive, enjoyable hobby adds a sense of balance to a busy life
